Using 10 frames Part 2

Want to know more about how I use 10 frames in grades K-2?  Check out part 1 of this series

Odd and Even

 Ten frames can be a great way to expose kids to the idea of odd and even numbers.  Because a ten frame is already built into groups of 2, it is a natural extension to use it as a tool to teach odd and even. 

Numeral Match

Using your 10 frames (or 5 or 20 frames), give each kid one frame.  Have the corresponding numerals that match the number represented on the frame spread out on the floor.  As you give each kid a frame, they need to match it to the corresponding numeral.  As they match them up, pass our more until all ten frames and numerals have been matched.  (This works really well in a small group of 8 or less kids!)  When they have all been matched, tell the kids you want to put them in counting order.  Choose one to start with and ask kids to give you the next number (or the number before or the number between!) This works great with 20 frames with K and 1 kids who are working on teen numbers!!!!  Then have kids count forward and backwards using the numerals and frames to support them as needed.  When kids are getting pretty proficient with this routine, have them take the frames and numerals and play a memory game with them.  

Make 10 (or 11 or 12 or some other number)

You need a deck of 10 frame cards to play this game.  You can also just use 4 sets of whatever 10 frame cards you normally use shuffled up.  Two or more players can play this game.  The first player takes a card and turns it face up.  If this card is a ten, they get to keep it.  If not, it goes next to the draw pile, face up and becomes community property.  The second player flips a card from the draw pile face up.  If they can make a ten using their card combined with any cards from the community pile, they do.  If not, their card also becomes community property.  The next player flips over a card and tries to use and/or any of the community cards to make a ten (2 card combinations are the first that kids see but 3, 4 or more card combinations are also acceptable)  The game continues until the draw pile is gone.  After kids are comfortable playing with make 10, you can change the game to make any number of sums.  (SIDE NOTE: the game also works with 5 frames as a make 5 game and with 20 frames as a make 20 game.)

Adding Ten Frames (and comparing to a partner)

In this simple game, students are paired up with about 40 ten frames.  They each flip 2 ten frames over, and find the sum of their numbers.  Then they write simple equations that compare their numbers.  Example 1: player 1 flips over a 6 and a 7 which is 13.  Player 2 flips over a 9 and a 3 which is 12.  The students then work together to write a compare equation such as 13 > 12 or 12 < 13.  I often just have them make a simple record sheet on a slip of scrap paper or on individual white boards. 

Mystery Card (An addition and subtraction facts game!)

This game is best played in groups of 3.  Two players sit facing each other with another player sitting off to the side where they can see both players' faces.  The two facing players pick up a ten frame and without looking place the ten frame on their forehead.  They can see their partner's ten frame but they can not see their own.  The third person adds the 2 ten frames together and tells the group the sum.  Then each player has to figure out what card is on their forehead based on the information they have about the sum and the other players addend.  This is a great game because one kid in each triad is practicing addition facts and the other two kids are doing missing addend or subtraction facts.  

I hope you are learning a lot about 10 frames!  Stay tuned for part 3 of the series!  If you have any questions,   or great ideas about how to use ten frames with kids, please leave a comment below!
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