Fun and Free Computer Games: Fraction Feud

I love teaching fractions!  I know they are a subject many struggle with in elementary school and beyond but there is just something about them that make them super fun to teach.  Over the years, I have read some great books and learned a lot from my colleagues and students about making fraction instruction effective.

One of my goals for last year was to find more computer and iPad based games to add to my collection of practice materials for fractions.  Today I want to share with you one of the games my students and I really enjoyed for practicing comparing fractions.

Fraction Feud

This game is from NCTM''s Calculation Nation.  If you haven't checked out this website you really should!  Don't be put off by the "log in now" to play page you will see.  You can quickly and easily create a log in for free.  If you don't want to go to the trouble of creating a log in, just click on guest pass and you will be ready to play.  

Once you have clicked guest pass or logged in and are on the games homepage, click on Fraction Feud and you are ready to play.  

This game is all about comparing fractions.  You are trying to beat the computer (or another player) by creating either the smallest or largest fraction.  You can only use the numbers left on your side so there is some strategy involved as well as thinking about how to make bigger or smaller fractions than your opponent.  

Sometimes kids will not understand why they won or lost.  There is a button to click on for an explanation about why you won or loss a round.  It will bring up a fraction chart which will show the fractions of you and your opponent.  

My students seem to have the most fun with this game when they are playing against another student in the class.  That is why I created log in information for this website for each student.  Now they can compete against each other which always makes things interesting.  Also, there are many other amazing games on this website so go check it out, play as a guest and see if your students would benefit from these games!

I will be sharing other games from Calculation Nation in the coming weeks so make sure you head over and like my Facebook page which will keep you up to date on all the fun and free computer games and apps I use with my students in K-6 math!

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