Book Study Part 6: Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids

We are over half way through our book study on Whole Brain Teaching and I have gotten so much good information.  In my discussions with colleagues and folks commenting on my blog and Facebook page I have heard great things about implementing these ideas in the classroom.  It is not to late to join in!  If you want to catch up, just grab a copy of the book and pick up where we are or go back and comment on past posts.  Here is the posting schedule.


Today we are taking a look at some of the higher levels of Scoreboard

Chapter 19: The Guff Counter

This chapter was full of ideas for turning a students' allies in bad behavior against them.  I like the friendly way this is introduced and the idea of the entire class responding to guff, not just the teacher.  It seems like this would be a very powerful way to show kids who like to back talk that the entire class sees a problem with it and it isn't just the teacher being mean. I also like how the guff counter encourages positive interactions between students not just focusing on the teacher to student relationship.  

Chapter 20: The Independents

This seems to be the most effective way to break up those groups of students who encourage each other's bad behavior.  I love that "rebellious behavior by one student has an immediate unpleasant effect upon the other students in the independent group."  The fact that kids can opt out of being in this group simply by asking seems to really be effective in breaking up a group's unity.  The deeper life lesson of knowing that is important to choose one's friends wisely takes this level of scoreboard to a very important idea for success not only in the classroom but for life in general.  This level also does wonderful things for the kids who are always behaving by putting the worst offenders in their own group.

Chapter 21: The Bull's Eye Game

This level of scoreboard involved no punishment and is reserved for the most challenging students.  I can see the appeal in this for many kids because it is configured like a game, there are no penalties and it is all reward.  This seems like an engaging way to really work on specific behaviors.  Because the approach is so intentional and one one one it also seems like a great way to build a stronger teacher to student relationship with your most challenging students.
Chapter 22: The Agreement Bridge

I have worked for many years with a wonderful guidance counselor that often problem solves with students in a manner very similar to the Agreement Bridge and I have seen it work wonderfully.  I love how it works towards solving problems while making teacher to student relationships stronger.  It is non threatening and interesting that it is in a game format.  I think this could really help kids learn to problem solve and set them up to be successful in school.  

What are your thoughts about these ideas?  I look forwarding to reading your comments! 

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