I spend a lot of time in grades 3-5 working on developing strategies for comparing fractions. I have written before about the 5 strategies my students use to compare fractions. I also shared my favorite free computer game for kids who are working on fluency with comparing simple fractions. Today I was working with an intervention group of fifth graders and had a few minutes at the end of our session. I knew that I needed something quick and fun so I grabbed my regular old deck of playing cards.
After a bit, we changed up the game and had each person flip 2 cards, use their smallest card as the numerator and their largest card as the denominator. This made all our fractions less than or equal to one. It made it so that the fractions were a bit closer together and required more critical thinking. After a few minutes playing that way, we reversed it and had folks put their higher card as the numerator and the lower one as the denominator. This was a great way to really reinforce the improper fraction, mixed number connection.
This entire game took under 10 minutes and was a great way to reinforce some big fraction ideas! I love how it requires no prep and is easy to differentiate! By pulling out some of the cards in the deck, I could make this game based on friendlier fractions which would be great for third and fourth graders.
Book Study Launch
Looking for some motivation as the school year comes to a close? Want to try a new structure for math class this spring and/or next school year? Join us for a 5 part book study on Minds on Mathematics: Using Math Workshop to Develop Deep Understanding. You can read all about it here!
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