Book review sample

1.       Introduction
Intensive study is the component of the practicum programme to fulfill requirement of intensive study
I prepared to review the book Basic mathematics for grade Eleven. The books was written by……………………..,and D.R. ……………………the book published by …………………… and Distributors, …………………….
To develop the nation mathematics plays a key role. Hopping that the program evaluation facilities all the students, teachers, researchers and interested persons to study curriculum evaluation. The extend to which education will be able to support the process of national strengths of educational planning, managers, teachers, educators, evaluators etc. It also helps to analyze the objectives, course contents, evaluation system and point out the strong and weak points of the program.
Mathematics provides pupils with powerful ways of exploring, investigating, understanding the world and backbone of science. No area is free from mathematics. The basic idea of evaluation is the process of Judging the value of worth of something. I am tried my level best to evaluate "Basic Mathematics" from different angles. The nature of course in numerical and theoretical problem. It carried 100 marks in this subject to be passed. The elective mathematics course consists full marks 100 out of 500 full marks.
1.1     Objective of the Study
          Each and every study has its own objectives. The student will be incomplete without objectives. It is said that a study having no objective is a boat without rudder. The general objectives of this course is to enable the trainees to put into practices the theories, principles, methods and techniques. Which they have learned in their specialization area. The intensive study provides the simple way to study. Compare and give the suggestions for improvement of the course. It helps to know the scope and limitation area. The main objectives of the intensive study are listed below:
General Objectives
a.       To analyze this course of study of grade eleven.
b.       To presents general information of the course of study.
c.       To provides some recommendations for mathematical implication.
Specific Objectives
a.       To start the general introduction of the course of the study.
b.       To presents contents of the course of study.
c.       To start appropriateness of the course of study of study to target group.
d.       To point out internal and external aspects of the course of the study.
e.       To point out some strength and weakness of the course of the study.
1.2     Significant of the Study
The study is expected to be significant to all of those who are interested in mathematics teaching and learning in general and more particularly to the teachers, syllables designer's text book, writer text book evaluators and those who are directly and indirectly involved in mathematics educations.

1.3     Limitation of the Study
-        The study is limited obey to the course of study of mathematics of grade eleven.
-        Sufficient practical research and investigation regarding these sectors cannot be found.
-        It can not be generalized to the entire stake holder since this study only concerned with the study of university campus, Kirtipur.
Course Contents
         The Higher Secondary level Basic Mathematics of contains following course contents.
Teaching Hours
Sets, Real Number System and Logic
Relation, Function and Graphs
Curve Sketching
Sequence and Series and Mathematical Induction
Matrices and determinates
System of Linear Equations
Complex Numbers
Polynomial Equations
Co-ordinate Geometry
The Circle
Limits and Continuity
The Derivative
Application of Derivatives
Ant derivatives and its Application
Total teaching hours
2.       Analysis of Textbook in Terms of Unit wise
          The "Basic Mathematics" is written for higher secondary level grade XI at education, science, humanities sector students who just passed SLC examination and read in Basic mathematics only on grade XI at education, science, humanities level. This book is written according as new curriculum. The prerequisite knowledge for this course is compulsory mathematics of grade 9 and 10.
Here the review of unit wise is
Unit 1 and 2 : These units contain sets, operations of sets, real number system, Field axioms, Order axioms, Logic and Law of Logic, Order pair and Cartesian Products, Relations, Function, Type of Function, Transcendental function.
          These topics enable students to acquire basic knowledge of sets and relation and number system for further study of science engineering as well as social science, types of functions, inverse and composite functions are including in this units.
Unit 3, 4 and 5 : The units covers 54 pages of these topics are suitable for students the units provides basic knowledge of Curve Sketching, Trigonometrical equation and general values, Inverse of circular function, Properties of triangle, sequence and series and mathematical induction  progression. In this book, there are not given in deeply knowledge about these three units previous knowledge about it is also given in opt. math of grade ten so these units are not so difficult for students. This is positive aspects of the course of the study.
Unit 6 and 7 : These units contain Matrix and Determinant, Minor and co-factor of matrix, determinant of 3 x 3 matrix, Inverse of 3 x 3 matrix by the adjoint matrix method, system of linear equation, application of Matrix and Determinant. The lesson topic of these units are not sufficient for students as like basic mathematics. So these units are not giving deeply knowledge.
Unit 8, 9 and 10   : These units contain complex number, properties of complex number, product and quotients of two complex number, De-moivre's theorem and its application, Properties of cube roots of Unity, polynomial equation, Quadratic equation, Coordinate geometry, straight line and pair of line. These units contain 100 pages and 30 hours but in this three unit complex number is new so period is not satisfied for complex number.   
Unit 11 and 12 : These two units covers 56 pages. These units contain circle, equation of circle, equation of tangent circle, A line and a circle, tangent and normal to any curve, condition of tangency of straight line to a circle, limit and continuity, Meaning of x tends to a, intuitive idea of limit, limit of function, limit continuity, continuity in interval The lesson topics of these units are sufficient for the students of Grade eleven.
Unit 13, 14 and 15: This unit covers 118 pages and 28 hours, this unit contains the derivative of function, derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic function, rule of derivative, derivative of parametric and implicit function, higher order derivative, application of derivative, anti-derivative, integration by basic integral, integration by substitution and by part method, definite integral, area between two curves. 
          There are not clear concept of limit and derivative. The unit "differentiation" rightly has used. Derivative of algebraic logarithmic and exponential function but we can't find trigonometric and inverse function. It has only light on surface description.
2.1     Analysis of Textbook in Terms of Physical Quality
          "Physical quality" refers physical appearance of the textbook. The physical appearance of the book is satisfactory it's cover page is not attractive for looking it is little big, it has 608 pages. Printing of the book is good but papers are quite good. The cost of the book is Rs.375 it is so expensive.
          The publisher of the book is ……………………………. and Distributers, (place name) and printed Systematic Printing Service, Asan,. Gum is use to bind the book, pages of the book are turn well. There is space in top, bottom, left and right. It is available everywhere on book shops. According to its size and subject matter is expensive so every students can not buy it easily.
2.2     Weak Points
          Nothing is free from its negative aspect, similarly Basic Mathematics XI is also attested by weaknesses. the following weakness, I have got after analysis the course.
i.        Time scheme should be revised consulting with subject teacher.
ii.       The content of this course is large so it is difficult to finish in one academic year.
iii.      Many misprints are in given.
iv.      Evaluation system of the Basic math is very poor.
3.       Suggestion and Recommendation
          It is widely accepted that nothing in perfect in this world. Like this course of study designing also not perfect, this course of study in appropriate but unable students to acquit basic knowledge of mathematics for further study of science, Engineering, social science. In never dam that I absolutely right on my views or opinion towards this course of study as student's teacher. I have prepared this evaluation reports within short period. Their for my surface study of this course of study may not be completed for comments and recommendations, however, I editorially hope if will add these are many problems in the field of applicants to ever have the problem the suggestion are recommended.
-        The contain should be related to real life situation of the learner.
-        Most of the equation complete these for it would be better if the course of study is simple in nature.
-        The objection of the course should be more species.
-        Basic knowledge of limit derivation and anti-derivation must be given SLC level.
4.       Conclusion
Education is the backbone of the country of reach and every development sector. To fulfillment of the national objectives only production is not sufficient without quality. So, for the qualified production, teaching, without academic calendar, scarcity of textbooks, expensive textbooks and chief administrator should be improved slowly.
This course of study is better for the students for study this course enable students to acquit basic knowledge of mathematics for future study of science, engineering, social science. I never claim that absolutes right on my views or opinion towards this course of study. As students teacher. I have prepared this evaluation reports within shorts period, their for my surface study of this course of the study may be completed for comments and recommendation. However, I editorially hope if will add some valuable attribute to course designed and book writer.

1.      Introduction                                                                             1
         1.1      Objective of the Study                                                  1
         1.2      Significant of the Study                                                2
         1.3      Limitation of the Study                                                3
2.      Analysis of Textbook in Terms of Unit wise                           4       2.1     Analysis of Textbook in Terms of Physical Quality                                             6
         2.2      Weak Points                                                                  6
3.      Suggestion and Recommendation                                            7
4.      Conclusion                                                                               7


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