I have had penguins on the brain this weekend as I start planning ahead for my December and January math stations for first grade. There is nothing like a fun theme to tie things together and make practicing math more fun.
Here is a peak at what I have been working on (and some FREEBIES!)
I have written a few times about the 12 problem types for addition and subtraction that primary kids are responsible for under the Common Core. I have created a set of 12 full color picture problems for my first graders to solve that address all of these different types. I have also released 2 of these picture problems as a freebie for those looking to try them out! I know there are 4 of these problem types my students have not yet been exposed to using our math program so I excited to see them try them out! |
I have also done some re-formatting to a great penguin game that works on subtraction facts under 10. I am finding my first graders are doing a very good job with addition facts and not so well with subtraction facts so during our penguin time, I will be focusing on this.
This simple game encourages counting back and the spinner includes dots for kids who need a lot of support. There is also an optional record sheet where kids can record just answers or entire equations depending on their level. This is also a freebie at my TPT store.
Help! An Orca is coming in action! |
One of my favorite things to work on with first graders in numeral recognition and using the greater than and less than symbols to compare numbers. I created one set of cards to work on both of these skills with my students. I only had to copy and cut one set of cards and got 2 games out of it. This saves me time which is always a good thing.
I use the cards with the pictures of base 10 pieces to play both of these games. It is a great way to get kids thinking in tens and ones and using that knowledge to compare numbers. It is available here! |
Another great freebie that I often use as a
formative assessment to assess my students' understanding of
equality is this:
My penguin equality 2 worksheet set is available as a freebie in my TPT store and is a great way to review, practice or assess your students' understanding of equality. |
Another favorite of my students' is the game I have, who has? I created this cute penguin themed version of this game to give them another way to practice numeral recognition, especially the numbers between 100 and 120.
This is a quick and easy game and is currently only $1 in my Tpt store! |
I also have been pulling together a collection of literature books around penguins to further spread my theme through the kids school day. Here are a few of my favorites so far.
This is a great non-fiction picture book with a lot of facts that kids find interesting and some top quality National Geographic photos. |
A great book with cute pictures written in a poem format |
I love Tacky the penguin, he is such as great character. I have several of the Tacky the Penguin books and am working on getting all of them. |

I would love to hear what other penguin books (both fiction and non-fiction) people recommend If you have a favorite please share in the comments below!
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