Welcome to my guided math book study! It is not to late to join in! Every week, I will provide the links to past posts so if you are just finding this book study you can jump right in!
July 2 Chapters 1 and 2
July 9 Chapters 3 and 4
July 16 Chapters 5 and 6
July 23 Chapters 7 and 8
July 30 Chapter 9
Chapter 7: Building Mathematical Proficiency in Guided Math Groups
To me, this quote sums up this section pretty well. The big idea here is that being proficient in math means more than just being able to memorize procedures. The five components of mathematical proficiency outlined in the National Research Council's Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics
are discussed in detail. If you have not read a lot about these 5 strands, this chapter is worth a close look! It is a great time to look at your own teaching practice and see how you are doing at including each strand. Here is a peak at the 5 strands.
1) Conceptual Understanding
2) Procedural Fluency
3) Strategic Competence
4) Adaptive Reasoning
5) Mathematical Disposition
These strands are all intertwined and to be successful in mathematics, you really need students to be working on all strands. One of my favorite teachers is always saying "you can't have one without the other" and I always agree with this statement.
Chapter 8: What Are the Other Kids Doing?

What are your thoughts on this week's chapters? Please respond in the comments below!
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